Help with Half.
We can all make a difference together!
Half of every subscription for Hello Video will go directly to a group of non-profits each month in an effort to help love on other people in need and make the world around us a little better than before.
I want this business to be built on transparency. We will send out a monthly report to everyone letting you know exactly how many subscriptions there are, how much was given away each month and which non-profits we were able to support. You also can always check the current stats and details on this page.
So how can we do this?
Itā€™s surprisingly efficient these days to run a software company, and I believe that it can be a great way to make a social impact.
The default monthly subscription is $10, but everyone also has the option of adjusting that amount a little higher if you happen to really value the service or would like to help our cause more as well.
Just to reiterate, exactly half of EVERY subscription will go directly to help those in need and non profits that are helping make a difference in our communities and the world.
We also are fully committed to making an amazing product, and of course want this software to be as great as possible and a huge help to you and your business. I really think we can still achieve that core goal while being able to help in the process!
Iā€™m currently living in Nashville, TN, and since the company is just getting started will focus on specific local non profits here in town that I know are making a true impact. I see this growing as the resources grow, so that we can also donate to causes around the country and world that also are important to you too!
Thereā€™s always things to figure out, and Iā€™m sure this process wonā€™t be perfect. But it would be silly to not help anyone at all just because things get stuck trying to figure out the ā€œrightā€ way to do that.
Letā€™s get this party started šŸŽ‰, and we can all help and adjust as needed along the way.
I want to be fully transparent in this process, and even encourage other businesses to explore the idea of joining us in the mission as well.
It sounds a little crazy. Maybe it actually is. Thereā€™s only one way to find out though, so letā€™s give it a go and see what happens!